Thank you for your interest in CharACTer Curtain Calls!  Registration for the 2024-25 season is OPEN.   We have limited space available. 

Grade 1-3  (3 spots remaining),  Gr. 4-7 group is FULL and the Gr. 8-11 group is FULL

The registration form (linked below) may be sent electronically to charactercurtaincalls@gmail.com, along with the appropriate fee.  If there are two or more actors registering for our regular programming, a family deduction of $50 may be made.

For LION KING JR information, please return to our home page where audition details are posted.

We are 100% volunteer-driven and are enthusiastic about exposing youth to the joys of live theatre!

Thank You!

Grades 1-3 (As of September, 2024)

Mondays from 6:00-7:15                                                 Oct. 21- March        $325   

Tech/dress rehearsals on Feb. 24 and 28

Public shows on Saturday, March 1 (and possibly March 2)

Grades 4-7  (As of September, 2024)

Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00                                                  Oct. 15- April          $375  

Tech/dress rehearsals on April 8 and 10

School shows, during day, on Friday, April 11     

Public shows on Saturday, April 12 (and possibly Sunday, April 13)

Grades 8-11 (As of September, 2024)

Thursdays from 6:00-8:00                                                Oct. 17- May            $375

Tech/dress rehearsals on April 30 and May 1

School shows, during day, on either Thursday, May 1 or Friday, May 2

Public shows on Saturday, May 3 (and possibly Sunday, May 4)       

Weekly sessions take place at our Suite at 15 St. Catharine Street, St. Thomas.  All tech/ dress rehearsals and performances will take place at the Port Stanley Festival Theatre.   There are no sessions during the week of December 15, school Christmas Break and March Break.       

**Please do not register for this season if you are unable to attend tech/dress rehearsal dates and show dates.  **